Rukiya Begum has successfully translated A Nigerian Fiction, CRY OF THE FOREST - NEWS SENTRY


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Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Rukiya Begum has successfully translated A Nigerian Fiction, CRY OF THE FOREST

An Indian Poet, Rukiya Begum has successfully translated A Nigerian Fiction, CRY OF THE FOREST by Godwin Cornelius Udagbor.

Cover Page : A Nigerian Fiction, CRY OF THE FOREST. Translated by- Rukiya Begum

Guwahati : Godwin Cornelius Udagbor’s Cry Of The Forest a popular short story, has been translated into Hindi, an Indian language. The translation was carried out by an Indian woman, Mrs Rukiya Begum, a poet, famous for works in her country, India.

Earlier in 2018, Cry Of The Forest received powerful recommendation from two Indian Literary giants; Professor Sahjahan Ali Ahmed and Dr Rajdeep Chowdhury. Udagbor’s work has been flying since its publication in 2018.

It has been revealed that Rukiya Begum began the translation in March 2020 and finished it in June of the same year.

Information has it that a mass production of the newly translated work is in progress following useful talks between the Author, Godwin Udagbor, his legal team and the translator Mrs Rukiya Begum.

The translator has been an avid admirer, online, of Cry Of The Forest and its author. This, “Romantically” birthed a relationship of the intellectual sort. Their online discussion invariably centered on the subject: Polygamy.

Polygamy has two faces however. In Africa Polygamy means a man marrying more than one wife simultaneously. In India it is Polyandry, that is, a woman marrying more than two husbands to contrast with the popular African notion of Polygamy.

Presumably, it was this contrast so shocking, that magnetized Mrs Rukiya Begum so she decided not to let it go unattended to, hence she decided to translate, from English to Hindi, Godwin Cornelius Udagbor’s bombshell as far she is concerned.

On his part, the author Godwin Udagbor wishes that he could speak and write Hindi to enable him know and feel the emotions of a Hindi reader who has just discovered that, on the same planet earth, lives another version of the Polygamy their tradition has always fed them.

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